Sunday, September 30, 2012


 We hiked pillboxes this past week in Kailua.
Was an early morning hike but we didn't quite get up early enough to see the sunrise.  Overall, it was a simple, fairly easy hike to the first two pillboxes.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hiking Maunawili

This week's hike was pretty eventful.  I got to Maunawili trail late and tried to catch up with some friends who had already gotten started on the trail.  It was my first time hiking the trail and instead of making the turn to the falls, I kept going and ended up 7 miles deep into another trail.  Night came and I was in the mountain for a couple hours.  Search helicopters flew over me but I finally found the firemen 20 minutes away from the trail's entrance in the pitch black.  Things would have been a lot easier but my phone had died and without any light, the trail was difficult to see.  Overall, the hike was very nice, and despite being "lost" for around 5 hours, I'd like to do it again sometime.